Where There is No Vision
So, live not for this world
That will soon pass away
But, for our calling, eternal
To trust God, and obey.
Are You Waiting and Ready?
Though we know not the day
Nor hour He will come
God’s Word never fails
We shall soon, see His Son.
Daily Mercies midst Afflictions
For His compassions, fail not
They are new each morning
Great is Your faithfulness
The LORD, is my portion.
So, Listen!
So, listen with faith
Trusting God cannot fail
For in wisdom and love
He will always prevail.
Be Secure in God’s Love
For His love in Christ Jesus
Our Lord, is love eternal
We are forever, in His hand
More than secure, His love encircles.
Worship our God
With my heart, ever hungry
Am so thirsty Lord, for You
So desiring, Your Presence
Your Word, is ever true.
You are Worthy of All
You deserve full obedience
Love You LORD, with my all
You are worthy, beyond measure
Yet, You hear when I call!
We are God’s Poem
We’re a ‘poem’ of God
His ‘poema’, in Greek
His creation, workmanship
Made in Christ, each unique.
A Rusty Old Car
For He saw we were broken
Like the rusty old shell
But in love He redeemed
From the scrapyard of hell.
The ‘Blessed Way’
And should our feet, and road seem hid
Those times are truly sweet
When all we have, is God alone
To guide our steps, oft’ steep.