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Calvinism, Arminianism or Both?

Know God’s Word, teaches both
God’s sovereignty, His will
But also, our heart’s free choice
To stay hardened, or Spirit filled.

Watching and Waiting

Be ever ready for His coming
Though we know not the hour
But be His faithful, wise steward
Await His blessings, to shower.

In the Grip of God’s Love

Grip my heart, with Your Truth
I am loved, beyond measure
Despite all my failures
In Christ, I’m You’re treasure.

We Are Never Alone

As God’s precious own
We always, are blessed
We are never alone
Amidst trials, that test.

But To Thy Name

Not to us, O Lord
But all the glory, Thine
Unto Thy Name, praise and thanks
For every gift, divine.

Without a Vision

Without a vision
The people will perish
Need a future and hope
God’s Word, to cherish.

Are You Waiting and Ready?

Though we know not the day
Nor hour He will come
God’s Word never fails
We shall soon, see His Son.