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Our Vision

We need vision to see
Our prime purpose in life
Fulfilling god’s calling
In this world of strife.

Our Labor-Never in Vain

Yes, keep praying and asking
For God’s kingdom to come
Despite men’s hardened hearts
Know His will, shall be done!

We Are Never Alone

As God’s precious own
We always, are blessed
We are never alone
Amidst trials, that test.

Making Sense of the Gaza War

For behind all the bloodshed
A spiritual war, deploys
With dark forces of evil
Seek God’s chosen, to destroy.

Our Victorious God

Know God alone conquers
Every battle is won
Yet, He invites us partake
Wholly trust, in His Son.

Questioning God

Know His grace is sufficient
Despite darkness and bleakness
Do abandon all to Jesus
Claim His power, in your weakness.

Persecution is Coming

So be ready, prepare
For our freedom is fading
Our faith is attacked
Great wickedness, invading.

Persecution in Pakistan

Do protect each Believer
Amidst hardship, remoteness
Fill them with Your Presence
Grant wisdom and boldness.

Persecuted Nations

Do protect each Believer
Amidst hardship, remoteness
Fill them with Your Presence
Grant wisdom and boldness.