Fellowship with God
So LORD, keep on breathing
Upon me, I pray
For that intimate walk
More of You, every day.
Facing the Furnace
As Daniel, and friends
Faced a fierce, fiery furnace
Said “Our God, can deliver
And if not, we still serve Him”.
Facing Sickness
Facing sickness
Thoughts of death
Feel helpless, Lord
You are my breath.
Facing Rejection
So, be bound not, by feelings
Trust God all the way
To forgive, when rejected
Jesus forgives you, each day.
Enduring Life’s Hardships
Yet despite persecution
Face hardship and suffering
May Jesus, be exalted
Be His sacrifice , a holy offering.
Ears to Hear
God speaks to the seeker
Those turning to Him
Those empty, for filling
Pours His Spirit, within.
Digging Your Own Wells?
Only life-giving waters
From Jesus, make whole
While the water, man digs
Satisfy not the soul.
Church Worship Music
May music bring glory
And words, deep inspire
Cause our hearts, seek God
Always lift Him up, higher.
Boldness to Enter
We’ve boldness to enter
The Holiest of Holy
By Jesus, shed blood
We are now, His trophies.
We long for God’s blessings
Yet walk our own way
Hope life treats us well
Sunshine…every day.