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Watching and Waiting

Be ever ready for His coming
Though we know not the hour
But be His faithful, wise steward
Await His blessings, to shower.

Without a Vision

Without a vision
The people will perish
Need a future and hope
God’s Word, to cherish.

Angry at Life?

Ask God change your view
Give thanksgiving each day
Let His Spirit control
Let Him teach you to pray.

Are You Waiting and Ready?

Though we know not the day
Nor hour He will come
God’s Word never fails
We shall soon, see His Son.

Abraham: Walking by Faith

Yes, held to God’s Word
His promises, and provision
Believed God would guide
Abraham’s hope and vision.

Faith amidst Adversity

So then friend, you can find
In your darkest, deep hour
God is ever, our hope
Can uphold us, by His power.

Faith amidst Trials

For our testing and trial
Are to strengthen our trust
As He bids us, to believe
All to Him, entrust.

A Rusty Old Car

For He saw we were broken
Like the rusty old shell
But in love He redeemed
From the scrapyard of hell.

God’s Waiting Room

So, let us learn from waiting
God’s timing is right
Ever trust God, persevere
And ask Him for light.

God’s Schedule

God’s not in a hurry
He’s always on time
Foresees each event
Has His plans divine