Sealed, Stamped, Secured by Christ
Since we were purchased, by His blood
The price, now fully paid
Sealed and stamped for eternity
We’re counted righteous, be not afraid.
God Restores
“To revive the spirit, of the humble
Revive the heart, of those contrite”
Our Master Potter, can reshape
We His clay, remold aright.
God’s Amazing Promise
God declared unto Abram
I will bless those, who bless you
And I will curse him, who curses you
All families on earth, blessed thro’ you.
Dealing with Difficult People
Learn from Jesus, He set boundaries
Offered help, if ears were open
From the Pharisees, to His disciples
With all, that He had spoken.
The Thorn in Our Flesh
Since am weakened, in my body
And so no longer, can do all
But can rest in my weakness
Upon His strength, I daily call.
Great Faith, God is Able
Fully trusting God’s promises
With obedience to His word
Being steadfastness in prayer
By circumstances, undeterred.
God’s Pressure Cooker
God uses all ways
To turn up the heat
To soften our hearts
Our hardness, defeat.
Be Faithful, Endure
So, be of good cheer
For Jesus has overcome
The world, the flesh and the devil
Know in Him, we have won.
Failing, Falling or Faith?
When we’re failing and falling
And we’re hitting, rock bottom
We can stand, on Christ Jesus
Our sure Rock, and still blossom.
The Role of a Pastor
His primary goal, our salvation
Our atonement, kept His Word
Yet first trained, His disciples
To spread His Gospel, to the world.