God’s Righteous Anger, yet Mercy
God poured forth wrath
For Israel had strayed
Her heart, so adulterous
Walked her own way.
Dealing with Rejection
Before God, none condemns us
Nor separates, from His love
O, hallelujah His salvation
Ever sealed, from above.
Blessed Beyond Measure
My heart overflows
I’m blessed beyond measure
For in Christ Jesus
Such unlimited treasures.
An Accuser or Forgiver?
So that on Judgment Day
Am counted righteous, as He
Judged pure, through Jesus
And by His Spirit, set free.
Amazing Grace
So that on Judgment Day
Am counted righteous, as He
Judged pure, through Jesus
And by His Spirit, set free.
Agape, God’s Love
Agape, God’s love
‘Tis not based on feelings
But rather, selfless giving
And suffering, to bring healing.