Sealed, Stamped, Secured by Christ
Since we were purchased, by His blood
The price, now fully paid
Sealed and stamped for eternity
We’re counted righteous, be not afraid.
Faith in God, not the Flesh
And learn daily to forgive
Reflecting God’s love
For His goodness and kindness
Daily depend, from above.
God’s Amazing Promise
God declared unto Abram
I will bless those, who bless you
And I will curse him, who curses you
All families on earth, blessed thro’ you.
Will You Answer God?
O how selfish, and sinful
We keep God’s Word within
Are not praying and sharing
With our world, so full of sin.
Israel – October 7th, 2023
Yet, our God uses foes
In revealing His plan
That Israel, be saved
Despite the evil of man.
Is Jesus My All?
You deserve full obedience
Love You LORD, with my all
You are worthy, beyond measure
Yet, You hear when I call!
Calvinism, Arminianism or Both?
Know God’s Word, teaches both
God’s sovereignty, His will
But also, our heart’s free choice
To stay hardened, or Spirit filled.
Be God’s Light, and Open Book
So reach out, in His love
Be a blessing, start caring
Ask God, be His light
Be shining, and sharing.
In the Grip of God’s Love
Grip my heart, with Your Truth
I am loved, beyond measure
Despite all my failures
In Christ, I’m You’re treasure.
But To Thy Name
Not to us, O Lord
But all the glory, Thine
Unto Thy Name, praise and thanks
For every gift, divine.