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Why Does Jesus Tarry?

We’re all called, to the unreached
Ask God, direct each day
Through praying, sharing, giving
See more disciples, that obey.

Be Creative

Yes, we each are creative
Thro’ our creation, proclaim.
God’s glory and honor
And do all in His Name.

In the Grip of God’s Love

Grip my heart, with Your Truth
I am loved, beyond measure
Despite all my failures
In Christ, I’m You’re treasure.

His Rest and Peace

Our life’s full of troubles
Tribulations, each day
Yet instead of our resting
We keep struggling, our way.

Seeking Approval

So instead, of self-approval
Or seek approval, of others
Know, we’re created for God
For His approval, not another.

God Promises Us Victory

Overwhelmed, on our own
We feel helpless, and lost
So set our mind, believe God’s Word
There is victory, through the cross.

Abandoning Truth

With this message, to our culture
A great warning, seek God’s truth
All must face God, in judgment
Our sin, rebellion, has no excuse.