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Sealed, Stamped, Secured by Christ

Since we were purchased, by His blood
The price, now fully paid
Sealed and stamped for eternity
We’re counted righteous, be not afraid.

Signs and Wonders

Yet beware, for some claim
Miraculous signs, have ended
Yet many Muslims, in dreams & visions
Keep seeing Jesus, to Him surrender.

A Rusty Old Car

For He saw we were broken
Like the rusty old shell
But in love He redeemed
From the scrapyard of hell.

Wrestling with God

There at Penuel, he met God
Truly saw, face to face
How he struggled, prevailed
Saw God’s mercy and grace.

Failed by Your Father?

For each memory and hurt
God is able to take
And turn into strength
For His children that wait.

The Master Carpenter

So, surrender your all
To the Master Carpenter
Ask Jesus, transform you
Break barriers, asunder.

The Great Carpenter

To renew, and re-fashion
His Word & Spirit transforming
Molding and shaping
To His image, conforming.

Questioning God

Know His grace is sufficient
Despite darkness and bleakness
Do abandon all to Jesus
Claim His power, in your weakness.

Our Great Physician

By His stripes, we are healed
Jesus’ death, on the Cross
Now delivered from judgment
He paid the full cost.