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He Fills My Cup

LORD God, fill my cup
In love chose to die
Living waters to give
That never runs dry.

Don’t Harden Your Heart

Don’t harden your heart
Staying stubborn, defiant
With grievances, grudges
Hard-headed, self-reliant.

Faith or Frustrations?

Not to dwell, on sin and failure
Rather focus, on the LORD
See beyond, my upset feelings
Trusting God, see blessings poured.

Are You a Fool?

The fool says in his heart
There is no God
Who declares them corrupt
Abominable… none does good?

A Call to Repentance

Start a fire, LORD we ask
And burn up the dross
Great repentance and turning
Before yet more, are lost.

Foolish or Wise?

The fear of the LORD
Is the beginning of wisdom
But fools, despise God
His rule, and His kingdom.

So, Listen!

So, listen with faith
Trusting God cannot fail
For in wisdom and love
He will always prevail.

Futility or Fullness?

And put on the new man
Created according to God
In true righteousness and holiness
In His fullness, now daily trod.

Not Seeking, Not Finding

And God gave us His Bible
The story of Israel, of man
Our fall, need for redemption
Messiah Jesus, God’s plan.