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Put on the New

So daily put on, the new man
In God’s likeness, created
In true righteousness, holiness
Daily victorious, and elated.

Be Creative

Yes, we each are creative
Thro’ our creation, proclaim.
God’s glory and honor
And do all in His Name.

Our Worship – Accepted or Rejected

But washed clean, before we offer
As in the Tabernacle, with laver
Now Jesus’ blood, still sanctifies
So, our heart and offerings, find favor.

Futility or Fullness?

And put on the new man
Created according to God
In true righteousness and holiness
In His fullness, now daily trod.

Weeping and Gnashing

Tho’ many called, few are chosen
The self-righteous, are cast out
Into outer darkness
All the unclean, not allowed.

Driven by Hatred or Love?

Jesus showed forth God’s love
Crucified, for me and you
Had cried “Father, forgive them
They know not, what they do. “

Signs and Wonders

Yet beware, for some claim
Miraculous signs, have ended
Yet many Muslims, in dreams & visions
Keep seeing Jesus, to Him surrender.

Worship our God

With my heart, ever hungry
Am so thirsty Lord, for You
So desiring, Your Presence
Your Word, is ever true.

Worship the LORD

Our purpose in life
Our calling, our goal
To worship the LORD
With heart, mind and soul.