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Persecution is Coming

So be ready, prepare
For our freedom is fading
Our faith is attacked
Great wickedness, invading.

Loving God

The greatest duty
Placed upon man
Love the Lord, your God
‘Tis the greatest command.

Learn to Fear God

The LORD has commanded
To fear God, and His ways
Yes, to follow His will
Obey all that He says.

How to Please God

God is pleased by our faith
As we trust, and obey
So, fear not, stay faithful
Follow His will and way.

Heaven’s My Home

Since heaven’s my home
Am here, passing through
So, am anxious for naught
For my God’s ever true.

Hearing the Voice of God

Let us earnestly yearn
Hear God, seek His presence
Set aside all distractions
Interference, incessant.

Hearing God’s Voice

So, learn to but listen
His sheep hear His voice
Discern and obey Him
Make no other choice.

Hearing from God

So, instead of my thoughts
LORD, speak to my heart
Not distracted by ;stuff’
But hear, all You impart.