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Watching and Waiting

Be ever ready for His coming
Though we know not the hour
But be His faithful, wise steward
Await His blessings, to shower.

Are You Waiting and Ready?

Though we know not the day
Nor hour He will come
God’s Word never fails
We shall soon, see His Son.

Hear Me

You said “seek My face”
My heart said to You
Your face will I seek
Hide not from my view.

A Divine Moment

Do you wake in the morning
Ask God would reveal
To lead you each step
His Presence so real ?

Signs and Wonders

Yet beware, for some claim
Miraculous signs, have ended
Yet many Muslims, in dreams & visions
Keep seeing Jesus, to Him surrender.

Willing to Wait?

Are we willing to wait
In the darkness, no light?
No hope, but the LORD
Know in you, He delights.

Wrestling with God

There at Penuel, he met God
Truly saw, face to face
How he struggled, prevailed
Saw God’s mercy and grace.

Why Does God Delay?

When His timing is right
He will answer, dear saint
So wait, on the LORD
Yield to Him, no complaint!

Our Master Craftsman

Our Master Craftsman ceases not
With skillful hands of love
To weave our lives, to that of Christ
Sat glorified above.