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Easily Offended?

And know, that these hurts
In your heart, cause resentment
So, ensure you forgive
Claim His forgiveness, be repentant.

Abandoning Truth

With this message, to our culture
A great warning, seek God’s truth
All must face God, in judgment
Our sin, rebellion, has no excuse.

So, Listen!

So, listen with faith
Trusting God cannot fail
For in wisdom and love
He will always prevail.

Weeping and Gnashing

Tho’ many called, few are chosen
The self-righteous, are cast out
Into outer darkness
All the unclean, not allowed.

Don’t Rebel Against God

So we’re self-willed, self-reliant
Self-righteous, we blindly stray
Are defiant, independent
We want the last say.

Driven by Hatred or Love?

Jesus showed forth God’s love
Crucified, for me and you
Had cried “Father, forgive them
They know not, what they do. “

Injustice and Tyranny

Let us pray, for repentance
Share Jesus’ Good News
But despair not, at injustice
God will avenge, if they refuse.

Signs and Wonders

Yet beware, for some claim
Miraculous signs, have ended
Yet many Muslims, in dreams & visions
Keep seeing Jesus, to Him surrender.

Loveless or Loving?

Instead, Jesus commands us
To love, even our foe
So live not, based on feelings
Obey Jesus, and grow.