Making Sense of the Gaza War
For behind all the bloodshed
A spiritual war, deploys
With dark forces of evil
Seek God’s chosen, to destroy.
Worship the LORD
Our purpose in life
Our calling, our goal
To worship the LORD
With heart, mind and soul.
Not a brief ‘Worship Service’
Once a week, set aside
But an attitude, of worship
Through each day, to abide
The Fear of God
Yes, fear God and His Word
He surely is with us
Learn to fear the LORD
Our salvation, is Jesus.
Seek Life
As a soul, with a body
Ignore not your spirit
Jesus offers new life
Will you ask Him, come fill it?
Our Rebellion- God’s Warning
If you are willing, obedient
The good you shall eat
But if you refuse and rebel
…. be devoured, by defeat.
Loving the Darkness?
With many hating the light
Truly, loving the darkness
Still consider, they’re ‘good’
But reject God, in hardness.
Loving Darkness, more than Light?
For Messiah, God’s Son
Brings light, to all people
Still offers Truth, a new life
To all weary of evil.
God’s Righteous Anger, yet Mercy
God poured forth wrath
For Israel had strayed
Her heart, so adulterous
Walked her own way.