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We Are Never Alone

As God’s precious own
We always, are blessed
We are never alone
Amidst trials, that test.

Psalm 119: 97-104  Mem -מ

O how I love Your law
My meditation, all the day
Through Your commandments
I’m made wiser, in every way.

Psalm 119: 81-88 Kaf -כּ

Almost consuming, me on earth
But I forsook not, Your precepts
Sustain my life, and restore
By Your loving kindness, take steps.

Psalm 119: 73-80 Yud-י

Let my heart be blameless
Regarding Your statutes
That I may not be ashamed
Live a life with sound roots.


His purpose is cleansing
Like gold refined pure
That our lives, should reflect
His glory, yet more.

Desperate to Change?

So, friend if you’re yearning
God’s blessing and change
Come wrestle with God
‘til your old life’s exchanged.

“It is Well with my Soul”

So, let us learn not to doubt
Rather, believe God knows best
When disaster sinks our ship
Trust in God, abide and rest.