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Wrestling with God

There at Penuel, he met God
Truly saw, face to face
How he struggled, prevailed
Saw God’s mercy and grace.

A Search for Meaning

There, discover our answers
In Christ Jesus, God redeeming
We are made, for God’s purpose
By His Spirit, fulfill our meaning.

A Renewed Mind

So, set our mind above
Daily, seek God’s kingdom
Be submitted, renewed
Gain His godly wisdom.

Worship the LORD

Our purpose in life
Our calling, our goal
To worship the LORD
With heart, mind and soul.


Not a brief ‘Worship Service’
Once a week, set aside
But an attitude, of worship
Through each day, to abide

Yes, Every Need

Yes, my God will supply
Every need, that you face
Through His riches in glory
By Christ Jesus, His grace.

Our Victorious God

Know God alone conquers
Every battle is won
Yet, He invites us partake
Wholly trust, in His Son.

Trials- a Blessing or Curse?

For our Father, the vine-dresser
Is pruning, discarding
As branches, of His vine
For more fruit…keep abiding.

The Presence of God

So, give Christ your life
Your will, and whole heart
Repent, seek God’s Presence
To come fill, every part.

The Message of Christmas

Stepped into our world
So broken, and bound
Brought light and salvation
That lost souls are found.