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God’s Waiting Room

So, let us learn from waiting
God’s timing is right
Ever trust God, persevere
And ask Him for light.

God’s Righteousness

While Gentiles sought not
God and His holiness
But now have attained
By faith, His righteousness.

God’s Presence

Yes, yearning and longing
God’s presence, I desire
Not things of this world
But search for You, higher.

God’s Peace

“In the world… tribulation
But be of good cheer”
Jesus overcame all
Fully frees us, from fear.

God’s Love

And so now, abide faith
And hope and love
But the greatest of these
God’s agape love, from above.

Godliness with Contentment

Godliness, with contentment
Is truly great gain
We brought naught in this world
And we exit, the same.

God’s Selfless Love

God’s love is patient
God’s love is kind
His love does not envy
Nor ‘self’ inclined.

God Will Provide

So not fixated on needs
Rather focused on Jesus
Believe God will supply
Be not anxious… He sees us.

God Will Restore

“Turn to Me, with all your heart
With fasting and weeping
Rend your heart, not garments
Return to God, believing”.