Loving the Darkness?
With many hating the light
Truly, loving the darkness
Still consider, they’re ‘good’
But reject God, in hardness.
Loving God
The greatest duty
Placed upon man
Love the Lord, your God
‘Tis the greatest command.
Loving Darkness, more than Light?
For Messiah, God’s Son
Brings light, to all people
Still offers Truth, a new life
To all weary of evil.
Look at the Birds
If God, feeds the birds
Then, O how much more
He values our lives
Rich blessings, in store.
Lessons from Jacob
When God makes a promise
It never can fail
Tho’ the vessels He uses
Seem often, so frail.
Is He Worthy?
Yes, worthy of wisdom
Strength and honor
Glory and blessing
Let us worship in wonder.
In Awe of God
O, such undeserved favor
Overflowing from heaven
Such love for lost sinners
To cleanse out, our old leaven.
If God Cares for The Birds
If God cares for the birds
With our value far greater
He will surely provide
As our loving Maker.
“I Am with You”
For His goodness and mercy
Shall surely, follow me
I will dwell in God’s presence
Messiah’s love, bought me.
His Eye is on the Sparrow
So, not bound up with worries
Over trials my way
His child am I
He leads, every day.