Passing Through the Waters
God assures we shall pass
Yes, thru’ deep waters go
But He will be with us
They shall not overflow.
Overcoming Temptation
And so, love not the world
Nor selfishness, greed
Seek God’s glory alone
Let His Spirit, always lead.
Our Sovereign God
The LORD gives, and He takes
He rules, as He will
He is sovereign, all powerful
So be quiet, and still.
Our Master Craftsman
Our Master Craftsman ceases not
With skillful hands of love
To weave our lives, to that of Christ
Sat glorified above.
Our Father
So be not downcast
Our heavenly Father above
Ever faithfully outpours
His unchanging love.
Our Busyness or God’s Presence?
So, one thing most needed
Amidst our busyness, each day
To surrender, keep calling
Asking LORD, show the way.
No more Sickness, nor Suffering
As we worship our King
No distractions, nor despair
No trials, nor temptations
All perfect splendor, forever there.
Never Alone
Never alone
No, never alone
As a child of the King
You are His own.
Moses…God’s Bushman
… So, learn from God’s Word
God knew the injustice
With compassion, called Moses
Shared His plan, discussed this.
Look at the Birds
If God, feeds the birds
Then, O how much more
He values our lives
Rich blessings, in store.