Learn to Wait
So, wait and be patient
Not hasty and restless
Come sit at His feet
Allow God speak, and bless.
Lay All on the Altar
Offer all, at His altar
Our bodies, He purchased
As living sacrifices, holy
Well pleasing… our service.
Knowing God
Since the creation of man we have gone our own way. Disobeying our God, always wanting the last say.
In Awe of God
O, such undeserved favor
Overflowing from heaven
Such love for lost sinners
To cleanse out, our old leaven.
How to Please God
God is pleased by our faith
As we trust, and obey
So, fear not, stay faithful
Follow His will and way.
Heeding God’s Call
Be wholly yielded, to Jesus
The King, of all glory
Learn to focus, obey
That my life, be His story.
Heaven’s My Home
Since heaven’s my home
Am here, passing through
So, am anxious for naught
For my God’s ever true.
Hearing the Voice of God
Let us earnestly yearn
Hear God, seek His presence
Set aside all distractions
Interference, incessant.
Hearing God’s Voice
So, learn to but listen
His sheep hear His voice
Discern and obey Him
Make no other choice.
Going Deeper
Are you deepening your walk
With the Lord, Most High
Do you yearn, evermore
That His Presence, draw nigh?