All is Made Whole
So our suffering and pain
Become stepping stones
Believe God has His purpose
To draw nearer, to His own.
Wrestling with God
There at Penuel, he met God
Truly saw, face to face
How he struggled, prevailed
Saw God’s mercy and grace.
Why Does God Delay?
When His timing is right
He will answer, dear saint
So wait, on the LORD
Yield to Him, no complaint!
There Nothing Fades
Yes, our new heavenly home
All so perfect, and pure
Our eternal abode
And forever secure.
Suffering-God’s Path to Blessings
In Jesus’ suffering, God’s path
To bless fallen man
In His cross, our daily dying
God has shown us, His plan.
Suffering Saints
‘In Me, you have peace’
Spoke Jesus, God’s Son
‘In the world, tribulation
Be courageous… I’ve overcome’.
Purpose in Pain
Does God have a purpose
In suffering and pain
Sorrow and sickness
Can He turn to gain?
Purified by Fire
As His sacrifice, living
Must be holy, and pure
For we dare not present
If defiled, and impure.
Our Sovereign God
The LORD gives, and He takes
He rules, as He will
He is sovereign, all powerful
So be quiet, and still.
Our Great God
How great is our God
Our triumphant King
Let all heaven shout
His praises loud sing.