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A Rusty Old Car

For He saw we were broken
Like the rusty old shell
But in love He redeemed
From the scrapyard of hell.

The ‘Blessed Way’

And should our feet, and road seem hid
Those times are truly sweet
When all we have, is God alone
To guide our steps, oft’ steep.

Abundance of Grace

If God cares for the sparrow
How much more then, for me
For He’s loving and watchful
And His eye, ever sees.

Complete Fulfillment

With our spirit made live
Daily trust Him, He supplies
We find then, complete fulfilment
In the LORD God, Most High.

“It is Well with my Soul”

So, let us learn not to doubt
Rather, believe God knows best
When disaster sinks our ship
Trust in God, abide and rest.

An Ark or a Cross?

So, the ark saved in this world
With protection and provision
While Jesus’ cross, offers His life
For both here, and in heaven.

All is Made Whole

So our suffering and pain
Become stepping stones
Believe God has His purpose
To draw nearer, to His own.

Wrestling with God

There at Penuel, he met God
Truly saw, face to face
How he struggled, prevailed
Saw God’s mercy and grace.

Why Does God Delay?

When His timing is right
He will answer, dear saint
So wait, on the LORD
Yield to Him, no complaint!

There Nothing Fades

Yes, our new heavenly home
All so perfect, and pure
Our eternal abode
And forever secure.