Sealed, Stamped, Secured by Christ
Since we were purchased, by His blood
The price, now fully paid
Sealed and stamped for eternity
We’re counted righteous, be not afraid.
Our Father in Heaven
Jesus taught us to pray
To our Father in heaven
For His kingdom and will
And not living, for leaven.
God’s Amazing Promise
God declared unto Abram
I will bless those, who bless you
And I will curse him, who curses you
All families on earth, blessed thro’ you.
God’s Pressure Cooker
God uses all ways
To turn up the heat
To soften our hearts
Our hardness, defeat.
Failing, Falling or Faith?
When we’re failing and falling
And we’re hitting, rock bottom
We can stand, on Christ Jesus
Our sure Rock, and still blossom.
Calvinism, Arminianism or Both?
Know God’s Word, teaches both
God’s sovereignty, His will
But also, our heart’s free choice
To stay hardened, or Spirit filled.
Psalm 37:1-12. Commit Your Way to the LORD
Rest in Him, and wait patiently
Fret not o’er those who prosper
Those working wicked ways
Whose works are improper.
Living the Blessed Life
Blessed is the man
Who does not walk
In ungodly counsel
But ignores, such talk.
Be a Finisher…Gideon’s Downfall
But then sadly, he succumbed
Asked for earrings, from his plunder
Israel gave him much gold
He made an ephod, an evil blunder.
In the Grip of God’s Love
Grip my heart, with Your Truth
I am loved, beyond measure
Despite all my failures
In Christ, I’m You’re treasure.