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LORD, Turn Our Hearts

Remove this heart of stone
So cold, full of sin
LORD, grant a new heart
Your Spirit, within.

Lessons on Forgiveness

So, restoring relationships
In place of cancellation
No longer angry, resentful
God’s loving, transformation.

Is He Worthy?

Yes, worthy of wisdom
Strength and honor
Glory and blessing
Let us worship in wonder.

In Awe of God

O, such undeserved favor
Overflowing from heaven
Such love for lost sinners
To cleanse out, our old leaven.

How to Forgive Others

And if God so loves each
Forgives, offers salvation
Should we too, not love
Offer others, reconciliation?

How to Forgive

So, let us turn and learn
Forgiveness and grace
As Christ, forgives us
Choose His love, to replace.

How to Draw Near

How to draw near
To the presence of God
Bow down before Him
In worship, be awed.

Heeding God’s Call

Be wholly yielded, to Jesus
The King, of all glory
Learn to focus, obey
That my life, be His story.

God’s Love

And so now, abide faith
And hope and love
But the greatest of these
God’s agape love, from above.