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A Search for Meaning

There, discover our answers
In Christ Jesus, God redeeming
We are made, for God’s purpose
By His Spirit, fulfill our meaning.

Waiting for Apologies?

“If you won’t forgive
God won’t forgive you”.
Strong words from the Master
Yet certain and true.

The Unworthy

Such love, cost Him all
Now, God counts us worthy
Exchanging His Son
For the sinful, unworthy.

Seek Repentance

Seek, true fruits of repentance
As you search your heart
A new walk, not just talk
By God’s Spirit, a new start.

Rebelling against God

So repent and return
Submit to God, full of favor
Desires only our good
Obey Christ, as your Savior.

Pressing into God

So, draw near to God
Repentant and yearning
Hungering and thirsting
Worshiping, and learning.

Our Great Physician

By His stripes, we are healed
Jesus’ death, on the Cross
Now delivered from judgment
He paid the full cost.

Our Great God

How great is our God
Our triumphant King
Let all heaven shout
His praises loud sing.

Our Faith

So, by faith offering God
What is pleasing to Him
Believe that He is
Rewards those seeking Him.

None Other is Worthy

Stepping down out of heaven
To redeem fallen sinners
Those helpless and hopeless
Turns losers, to winners.