Easily Offended?
And know, that these hurts
In your heart, cause resentment
So, ensure you forgive
Claim His forgiveness, be repentant.
Our Personal Baggage
For parents aren’t perfect
They come with their baggage
May kids grow, self-examine
To avoid long-term damage.
Shame-Blame Cycle
But, if we’ve a low esteem
Always carrying, chronic shame
Subconsciously, ever struggling
Feeling guilt, so casting blame.
Shame, Disclaim, Blame
When failing, we do wrong
Try to bury, in shame
Then, blame on another
While lies excuses, we proclaim.
Israel – October 7th, 2023
Yet, our God uses foes
In revealing His plan
That Israel, be saved
Despite the evil of man.
Is Jesus My All?
You deserve full obedience
Love You LORD, with my all
You are worthy, beyond measure
Yet, You hear when I call!
Psalm 37:1-12. Commit Your Way to the LORD
Rest in Him, and wait patiently
Fret not o’er those who prosper
Those working wicked ways
Whose works are improper.
Living the Blessed Life
Blessed is the man
Who does not walk
In ungodly counsel
But ignores, such talk.
Why Does Jesus Tarry?
We’re all called, to the unreached
Ask God, direct each day
Through praying, sharing, giving
See more disciples, that obey.
Our Worship – Accepted or Rejected
But washed clean, before we offer
As in the Tabernacle, with laver
Now Jesus’ blood, still sanctifies
So, our heart and offerings, find favor.