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‘Self’ has to Die

The verdict is in
And, ‘self’ has to die
Against our carnal cravings
Long deceived, by a lie.

Seek But the Lord

Seek but the Lord
Not for what He can do
But simply enjoy Him
Alone, He and you.

Pursued by God’s Love

So compassionate, loving
So caring, keeps seeking
Speaks into men’s hearts
So, surrender… stop fleeing.

God Allows What He Hates

God allows what He hates
To achieve what He loves
He permits man to sink
That men seek Him above.

Pressing into God

So, draw near to God
Repentant and yearning
Hungering and thirsting
Worshiping, and learning.

Our Sovereign God

The LORD gives, and He takes
He rules, as He will
He is sovereign, all powerful
So be quiet, and still.

Our Master Craftsman

Our Master Craftsman ceases not
With skillful hands of love
To weave our lives, to that of Christ
Sat glorified above.

Our Father

So be not downcast
Our heavenly Father above
Ever faithfully outpours
His unchanging love.