We are God’s Poem

We’re a ‘poem’ of God
His ‘poema’, in Greek
His creation, workmanship
Made in Christ, each unique.
So Near…So Far (The Inner…or Outer)

The soldiers were gambling
For Jesus’ garments to win
Concerned with the outer
So blind to their sin.
Agape Love

Though we love to be loved
If despised, love abides
For agape love, is of God
And such love overrides.
Our Thought Patterns

So, daily cleave to God’s Word
And set your mind above
Keep proclaiming, God’s promises
Denounce the devil, declare God’s love.
Loveless or Loving?

Instead, Jesus commands us
To love, even our foe
So live not, based on feelings
Obey Jesus, and grow.
Been Offended?

So, each offence forgive
Repent, be reconciled
Be freed from those burdens
Pray God’s love, be recognized.
God’s Grace is Sufficient

Yes, if we step out in faith
And walk in His Spirit
Believing, not doubting
His Word, He fulfils it.
Desperate to Change?

So, friend if you’re yearning
God’s blessing and change
Come wrestle with God
‘til your old life’s exchanged.
Your God Is Too Small

Your life is too focused
Your God is too small
Look up and beyond
And answer His call.
All Sufficient, All the Way

Cease striving for self
But yielding my all
Surrender each part
My will, for His call.