A Faithful Life…A Transformed Life

So, seek first God’s kingdom
His righteousness, daily
Be filled by His Spirit
Spurn sin, as our enemy.
Hear Me

You said “seek My face”
My heart said to You
Your face will I seek
Hide not from my view.
All Lives Matter

Not skin color, nor features
Since there’s one human race
Should be all about virtues
Sadly many, have misplaced
Futility or Fullness?

And put on the new man
Created according to God
In true righteousness and holiness
In His fullness, now daily trod.
Can We Know God ?

We’re created to worship
Our innermost essence
A thirst deep within
To enter, God’s Presence.
What Bugs You?

Yes, those bugs and frustrations
God allows, each our way
Are to get our attention
Cause us turn, and obey.
Signs and Wonders

Yet beware, for some claim
Miraculous signs, have ended
Yet many Muslims, in dreams & visions
Keep seeing Jesus, to Him surrender.
Righteous or Religious?

So not my works, self-efforts
My offerings, being zealous
But Jesus only, makes pure
By faith righteous, not religious.
Worship our God

With my heart, ever hungry
Am so thirsty Lord, for You
So desiring, Your Presence
Your Word, is ever true.
You are Worthy of All

You deserve full obedience
Love You LORD, with my all
You are worthy, beyond measure
Yet, You hear when I call!