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Loving God

The greatest duty
Placed upon man
Love the Lord, your God
‘Tis the greatest command.

Lord, I Enter Your Gates

Lord, I enter Your gates
And come into Your courts
With thanksgiving and praise
To worship You, I have sought.

Lessons from Jacob

When God makes a promise
It never can fail
Tho’ the vessels He uses
Seem often, so frail.

Learn to Wait

So, wait and be patient
Not hasty and restless
Come sit at His feet
Allow God speak, and bless.

Learn to Rest

Just a word, from the Master
Turns a tempest, to be still
Daily rest, in God’s Hand
Seeking, ever His will.

Learn to Fear God

The LORD has commanded
To fear God, and His ways
Yes, to follow His will
Obey all that He says.

Lay All on the Altar

Offer all, at His altar
Our bodies, He purchased
As living sacrifices, holy
Well pleasing… our service.

Knowing God

Since the creation of man we have gone our own way. Disobeying our God, always wanting the last say.

In Awe of God

O, such undeserved favor
Overflowing from heaven
Such love for lost sinners
To cleanse out, our old leaven.

Impatient with God?

Yes, keep waiting on God
The LORD only, our choice
Persevere and be faithful
‘Til we hear His voice.