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Be His Lighthouse

In the midst of the night
When darkness, seems greatest
Know light, shines the brightest
So be strongest and bravest.

Hungry for God?

you hungry and thirsty
To draw nearer, to God’s Presence
Know more of His love
And taste more, of His essence?

Are You Lukewarm?

Since neither hot, nor cold
He would vomit them out
While they claimed to be rich
Needing naught, not without.

Wrestling with God

There at Penuel, he met God
Truly saw, face to face
How he struggled, prevailed
Saw God’s mercy and grace.

Failed by Your Father?

For each memory and hurt
God is able to take
And turn into strength
For His children that wait.

Worship the LORD

Our purpose in life
Our calling, our goal
To worship the LORD
With heart, mind and soul.


Not a brief ‘Worship Service’
Once a week, set aside
But an attitude, of worship
Through each day, to abide

A Fellowship on Fire

Most depend on their pastor
For their ‘weekly bread’
The band, and kid’s programs
And they’re feeling fed.

Want to be Free?

Hallelujah, set free
Midst trials and testing
In victory, now walk
Yes! in Jesus keep resting.

Walk with God

Yes, will take us thro’ trials
But with grace, sufficient
In our weakness, His strength
His omnipotence, omniscience.