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Our ‘Flesh’ has to Die

So have we died with Christ
Our flesh on the Cross?
Are we carnal and selfish
Or count all things as loss?

No Matter Our Lot

Know God’s love, joy and peace
Are not fruits of circumstances
But fruits of His Spirit
Keep abiding, we’re His branches.

Sealed, Stamped, Secured by Christ

Since we were purchased, by His blood
The price, now fully paid
Sealed and stamped for eternity
We’re counted righteous, be not afraid.

Faith in God, not the Flesh

And learn daily to forgive
Reflecting God’s love
For His goodness and kindness
Daily depend, from above.

Be the Fragrance of Christ

Recognizing we are created
To always bring God, His glory
To uplift, and choose His will
To live for Him, life’s not my story.


Cease expectations from the other
That we long, they will provide
Our deeper needs, seek from God
So, bear His fruit, in Him abide.

Our Personal Baggage

For parents aren’t perfect
They come with their baggage
May kids grow, self-examine
To avoid long-term damage.

Shame-Blame Cycle

But, if we’ve a low esteem
Always carrying, chronic shame
Subconsciously, ever struggling
Feeling guilt, so casting blame.

Be Filled, with Christ’s Love

Such love, that passes knowledge
With which, you may be filled
With all the fullness of God
Through His Spirit, be fulfilled.

Dealing with Difficult People

Learn from Jesus, He set boundaries
Offered help, if ears were open
From the Pharisees, to His disciples
With all, that He had spoken.