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Desperate to Change?

So, friend if you’re yearning
God’s blessing and change
Come wrestle with God
‘til your old life’s exchanged.

Wrestling with God

There at Penuel, he met God
Truly saw, face to face
How he struggled, prevailed
Saw God’s mercy and grace.

Win the Prayer Battles!

So, until that day comes
When all evil is ended
Claim victory, in prayer
Overcome, we’re defended.

Our Victorious God

Know God alone conquers
Every battle is won
Yet, He invites us partake
Wholly trust, in His Son.

‘Self’ has to Die

The verdict is in
And, ‘self’ has to die
Against our carnal cravings
Long deceived, by a lie.

Pressing into God

So, draw near to God
Repentant and yearning
Hungering and thirsting
Worshiping, and learning.

Our Sovereign God

The LORD gives, and He takes
He rules, as He will
He is sovereign, all powerful
So be quiet, and still.

Our Great God

How great is our God
Our triumphant King
Let all heaven shout
His praises loud sing.

Our God Fights for Us

So too, claim Christ’s victory
For with Him, you are bound
Do wait on the LORD
As His child, He surrounds.