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Our Personal Baggage

For parents aren’t perfect
They come with their baggage
May kids grow, self-examine
To avoid long-term damage.

Our Father in Heaven

Jesus taught us to pray
To our Father in heaven
For His kingdom and will
And not living, for leaven.

In Every Trial and Storm

Be not discouraged, nor despair
As He prepares you, in Christ
Working all things for good
By grace in Him, fully sufficed.

God’s Amazing Promise

God declared unto Abram
I will bless those, who bless you
And I will curse him, who curses you
All families on earth, blessed thro’ you.

Designed by God or Man?

God has written in letters
Thro’ DNA, in code
Within every cell
His signature, bestowed.

Our Labor-Never in Vain

Yes, keep praying and asking
For God’s kingdom to come
Despite men’s hardened hearts
Know His will, shall be done!

Calvinism, Arminianism or Both?

Know God’s Word, teaches both
God’s sovereignty, His will
But also, our heart’s free choice
To stay hardened, or Spirit filled.

In the Grip of God’s Love

Grip my heart, with Your Truth
I am loved, beyond measure
Despite all my failures
In Christ, I’m You’re treasure.