Still Grasping Grievances, or Set Free?
So, we lift every hurt
Release all, to Him
Now laid upon Christ
Walk in grace, not sin.
Seek Life
As a soul, with a body
Ignore not your spirit
Jesus offers new life
Will you ask Him, come fill it?
Seek Intimacy with God
In scripture and song
In prayer, listen too
Expect to meet God
He is waiting for you.
Seek But the Lord
Seek but the Lord
Not for what He can do
But simply enjoy Him
Alone, He and you.
Seeing Our Sin
So, ponder sin’s price
Such suffering, separation
Jesus’ death on a cross
For His own creation.
Pressing into God
So, draw near to God
Repentant and yearning
Hungering and thirsting
Worshiping, and learning.
Overcoming Temptation
And so, love not the world
Nor selfishness, greed
Seek God’s glory alone
Let His Spirit, always lead.
For What Are You Grasping?
For what are you grasping
And groping in life
Is it riches and comfort
Success, without strife?
O Come, Holy Spirit
Control and compel me
Conform me to Christ
Consume all the dross
His blood has sufficed.