Where There is No Vision
So, live not for this world
That will soon pass away
But, for our calling, eternal
To trust God, and obey.
Are You a Fool?
The fool says in his heart
There is no God
Who declares them corrupt
Abominable… none does good?
Angry at Life?
Ask God change your view
Give thanksgiving each day
Let His Spirit control
Let Him teach you to pray.
“If My Dog Doesn’t Love You…”
Well, I don’t mind a dog
Be it Collie or Beagle
But I’m sad for this driver
Who prefers dogs to people.
Take Responsibility for Our Failures
Learn from Adam, our wrongs
We must own, and not hide
Nor blame others, but confess
And repent…. in Christ abide.
Daily Mercies midst Afflictions
For His compassions, fail not
They are new each morning
Great is Your faithfulness
The LORD, is my portion.
Abraham: Walking by Faith
Yes, held to God’s Word
His promises, and provision
Believed God would guide
Abraham’s hope and vision.
Hear Me
You said “seek My face”
My heart said to You
Your face will I seek
Hide not from my view.
Resist, When Tempted
Keep God’s Word, in our heart
Cry out to God, and resist
Resolve, I will obey
The Holy Spirit, will assist.
So, Listen!
So, listen with faith
Trusting God cannot fail
For in wisdom and love
He will always prevail.