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Can We Know God ?

We’re created to worship
Our innermost essence
A thirst deep within
To enter, God’s Presence.

Injustice and Tyranny

Let us pray, for repentance
Share Jesus’ Good News
But despair not, at injustice
God will avenge, if they refuse.

Worship our God

With my heart, ever hungry
Am so thirsty Lord, for You
So desiring, Your Presence
Your Word, is ever true.

You are Worthy of All

You deserve full obedience
Love You LORD, with my all
You are worthy, beyond measure
Yet, You hear when I call!

We are God’s Poem

We’re a ‘poem’ of God
His ‘poema’, in Greek
His creation, workmanship
Made in Christ, each unique.

Your God Is Too Small

Your life is too focused
Your God is too small
Look up and beyond
And answer His call.

The ‘Blessed Way’

And should our feet, and road seem hid
Those times are truly sweet
When all we have, is God alone
To guide our steps, oft’ steep.

Abundance of Grace

If God cares for the sparrow
How much more then, for me
For He’s loving and watchful
And His eye, ever sees.