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No Matter Our Lot

Know God’s love, joy and peace
Are not fruits of circumstances
But fruits of His Spirit
Keep abiding, we’re His branches.

Struggling to Expect Miracles?

“Now the just shall live by faith
But if anyone draws back,
My soul has no pleasure in him.”
So, seek much faith, do not lack.


The heavens declare, God’s glory
The firmament, shows His handiwork
Without speech, nor language
Yet sends a message, clearly heard.

Our Father in Heaven

Jesus taught us to pray
To our Father in heaven
For His kingdom and will
And not living, for leaven.

Israel and her Foes

And yet our hope is not in weapons
The arm of flesh, will fail
Pray Israel trust in the LORD
Know her Messiah, wholly prevail.

God Permits What He Hates

Stay thankful, midst trials
See the sufferings, we face
When trusting in Jesus
Become blessings, by grace.

Is Jesus My All?

You deserve full obedience
Love You LORD, with my all
You are worthy, beyond measure
Yet, You hear when I call!

Don’t Harden Your Heart

Don’t harden your heart
Staying stubborn, defiant
With grievances, grudges
Hard-headed, self-reliant.