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Complete Fulfillment

With our spirit made live
Daily trust Him, He supplies
We find then, complete fulfilment
In the LORD God, Most High.

Hungry for God?

you hungry and thirsty
To draw nearer, to God’s Presence
Know more of His love
And taste more, of His essence?

A Search for Meaning

There, discover our answers
In Christ Jesus, God redeeming
We are made, for God’s purpose
By His Spirit, fulfill our meaning.

A Renewed Mind

So, set our mind above
Daily, seek God’s kingdom
Be submitted, renewed
Gain His godly wisdom.

A New Baby

For our child learns to walk
In our footsteps each day
Let us follow the Master
Lest they learn other ways.

 Self or the Savior?

Instead, self becomes center
Instead of Christ
Our thinking, our deciding
Self-fulfilment, our prize.

The Message of Christmas

Stepped into our world
So broken, and bound
Brought light and salvation
That lost souls are found.

The Key to Life

We are ever in search
Of the key to life
As our scientists, research
And ideas are rife.

The Great Carpenter

To renew, and re-fashion
His Word & Spirit transforming
Molding and shaping
To His image, conforming.

The Fear of God

Yes, fear God and His Word
He surely is with us
Learn to fear the LORD
Our salvation, is Jesus.