Man is driven by sin
So focused, enticed
Instead, see God’s perspective
Stay centered, on Christ.
Overcoming Temptation
And so, love not the world
Nor selfishness, greed
Seek God’s glory alone
Let His Spirit, always lead.
Our Wisest Choice
Know, in saving our life
Jesus said, we shall lose it
But if losing for Christ
We gain, God’s Holy Spirit.
Our Compass
We all need, a true ‘compass’
To guide us through life
Will point, to God’s Truth
Amidst disputes and strife.
Learn to Fear God
The LORD has commanded
To fear God, and His ways
Yes, to follow His will
Obey all that He says.
Keep Your Heart
Thus guard your heart
Take steps to ensure
‘Tis not overtaken
By those things, impure.
Israel’s Idolatry
So, pause and reflect
Does God fill your heart
Or have you hidden idols
That ensnare you, in part?
Israel’s Call to Repent
God laments for His people
Have turned from His ways
Are spurning their Maker
Have rebelled, disobey.
Gaining Wisdom
My son, receive my words
Treasure my commands
Incline your ear to wisdom
Apply your heart, to understand.