Our Worship – Accepted or Rejected
But washed clean, before we offer
As in the Tabernacle, with laver
Now Jesus’ blood, still sanctifies
So, our heart and offerings, find favor.
Faith or Frustrations?
Not to dwell, on sin and failure
Rather focus, on the LORD
See beyond, my upset feelings
Trusting God, see blessings poured.
We Are Never Alone
As God’s precious own
We always, are blessed
We are never alone
Amidst trials, that test.
Only Three Years
So, He trained and role-modeled
Not spectators, but partakers
As He discipled His followers
To be faithful, disciple-makers.
Missing in Churches?…Making Disciple-Makers
While many churches, think revival
Are not equipping and training
How to go, make new disciples
That go forth, disciple-making.
Discipleship or Disciple-making?
Not just missionaries, overseas
Nor pastors, evangelists
We’re each called, to reproduce
Be disciple-makers, be a catalyst.
A Faithful Life…A Transformed Life
So, seek first God’s kingdom
His righteousness, daily
Be filled by His Spirit
Spurn sin, as our enemy.
Spiritual Reproduction
So are our churches, today
Filled with saints, on fire?
Discipled, and out sharing
Making disciples, as required?
Where There is No Vision
So, live not for this world
That will soon pass away
But, for our calling, eternal
To trust God, and obey.
Are You a Fool?
The fool says in his heart
There is no God
Who declares them corrupt
Abominable… none does good?