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Spiritual Reproduction

So are our churches, today
Filled with saints, on fire?
Discipled, and out sharing
Making disciples, as required?

Without a Vision

Without a vision
The people will perish
Need a future and hope
God’s Word, to cherish.

Are You a Fool?

The fool says in his heart
There is no God
Who declares them corrupt
Abominable… none does good?

Angry at Life?

Ask God change your view
Give thanksgiving each day
Let His Spirit control
Let Him teach you to pray.

Be One Little Light

So, let our little light
Shine forth, for God’s truth
Be His beacon, His lighthouse
Amidst darkness, untruth.

Are You Waiting and Ready?

Though we know not the day
Nor hour He will come
God’s Word never fails
We shall soon, see His Son.