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Send Showers of Blessing

We are desperate for blessings
Need anointing, outpouring
With multitudes dead in sin
LORD revive, start restoring!

Seek Repentance

Seek, true fruits of repentance
As you search your heart
A new walk, not just talk
By God’s Spirit, a new start.

Seek Life

As a soul, with a body
Ignore not your spirit
Jesus offers new life
Will you ask Him, come fill it?

Seeing Our Sin

So, ponder sin’s price
Such suffering, separation
Jesus’ death on a cross
For His own creation.

Saying or Obeying?

And here, Jesus reminds
It’s not what we say
Our words can be empty
It is whether, we obey.

Run the Right Race

But, for those seeking Truth
Follow Jesus, and His cross
Find new life, eternal
Must count all else, as loss.

Rebelling against God

So repent and return
Submit to God, full of favor
Desires only our good
Obey Christ, as your Savior.

Quiet Time with God

Yes, pray for God’s Spirit
Come speak to your soul
Not rushing while reading
Lest from Him, time you stole.