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Church Leaders in Disciple-Making?

So let us focus, on Jesus’ mission
Train in outreach, disciple-making
Equip the saints, reach the world
Role modeling, and mentoring!

The Mission Driven Church

With those gifted, to equip saints
For the work of the ministry
Edifying, the body of Christ,
To go multiply, in each vicinity.

Failing, Falling or Faith?

When we’re failing and falling
And we’re hitting, rock bottom
We can stand, on Christ Jesus
Our sure Rock, and still blossom.

Our Vision

We need vision to see
Our prime purpose in life
Fulfilling god’s calling
In this world of strife.

Don’t Harden Your Heart

Don’t harden your heart
Staying stubborn, defiant
With grievances, grudges
Hard-headed, self-reliant.

Our Spiritual Vision

So let us learn, to reproduce
In the lives, of friends and neighbors
By evangelizing, then discipling
Multiplying disciple makers.

Our Labor-Never in Vain

Yes, keep praying and asking
For God’s kingdom to come
Despite men’s hardened hearts
Know His will, shall be done!

Put on the New

So daily put on, the new man
In God’s likeness, created
In true righteousness, holiness
Daily victorious, and elated.