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Win the Prayer Battles!

So, until that day comes
When all evil is ended
Claim victory, in prayer
Overcome, we’re defended.

Worship the LORD

Our purpose in life
Our calling, our goal
To worship the LORD
With heart, mind and soul.


Not a brief ‘Worship Service’
Once a week, set aside
But an attitude, of worship
Through each day, to abide

Would You Exchange?

Would you exchange truth
Of God, for a lie
Serve and worship, the creature
Above the Creator…on high?

Your Inner Thirst

Do you drink from the fount
That never runs dry
Living waters that flow
And forever, satisfy?

Your Soil

So, examine your soil
Give your heart, wholly to Him
Ask God, to point out
What may hinder within.

A Fellowship on Fire

Most depend on their pastor
For their ‘weekly bread’
The band, and kid’s programs
And they’re feeling fed.

Wanting the Fruit

So let ‘self’ die, be buried
Let His roots, shoot above
Bearing fruit of His Spirit
Thro’ Christ Jesus … His love.

Want to be Free?

Hallelujah, set free
Midst trials and testing
In victory, now walk
Yes! in Jesus keep resting.

Waiting for Apologies?

“If you won’t forgive
God won’t forgive you”.
Strong words from the Master
Yet certain and true.