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Are You a Dreamer?

Yet our Master, Creator
Set limits, in love
Has given us guidance
The true Captain, above.

Accept Responsibility

For we’re given free will
Seek eternal treasures
Yes, choose God and His ways
Not fleeting, fleshly pleasures.

A Rusty Old Car

For He saw we were broken
Like the rusty old shell
But in love He redeemed
From the scrapyard of hell.

Are You Pressing On?

Are you pressing on upward
To reach higher ground
Are you seeking the Lord
In His presence be found?

All, are Born Disabled

Our bodies aren’t perfect
Nor is our soul
For sin has disabled
No one is born whole.

Forgive and Forgo

God has called us to love
With all of our heart
When offenders, then hurt us
To forgive, on our part.

Forgivers or Sufferers?

Since we all get offended
And respond to each other
To forgive or avenge?
God’s love, or we suffer?

Finding Meaning

Let us listen, and learn
Our true purpose, commitment
The end of the matter
To seek God, for fulfillment.

Fresh Manna

Not those verses from childhood
Nor the sermon last week
But fresh manna from heaven
The LORD, daily do seek.