Our Compass
We all need, a true ‘compass’
To guide us through life
Will point, to God’s Truth
Amidst disputes and strife.
Never in Vain
Yes, God keeps His Word
Ever faithful and true
Stand firm, claim His promises
Given freely to you.
Moses…God’s Bushman
… So, learn from God’s Word
God knew the injustice
With compassion, called Moses
Shared His plan, discussed this.
Modern Israel
Scattered, through sin
The scriptures foretold
Now fulfilling prophesy
God’s Word of old.
Good Shepherd, do guide me
To make, heavenly choices
Yes, hearing Your will
Amongst many voices.
God Keeps His Word
Yes, history is clear
We all sin, and stray
But God keeps His word
So, trust Jesus and obey.
Get Rid of the Junk
Get rid of the junk
In your mind and heart
Wrong thoughts and motives
That mar, tear apart.
Gaining Wisdom
My son, receive my words
Treasure my commands
Incline your ear to wisdom
Apply your heart, to understand.
Babe of Bethlehem
Born helpless and needy
Jesus came, just as we
But this risen Savior
Now sets captives free.
God’s Light Bearer
As we learn to obey, let us keep God’s word. With fear and trembling, fulfill all we heard.