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Finding Meaning

Let us listen, and learn
Our true purpose, commitment
The end of the matter
To seek God, for fulfillment.

Fresh Manna

Not those verses from childhood
Nor the sermon last week
But fresh manna from heaven
The LORD, daily do seek.

God Fights for Israel

Despite her failures, abuses
Rejection of their Messiah
Our God watches, over Israel
They will know Him, states Zachariah.

Be His Lighthouse

In the midst of the night
When darkness, seems greatest
Know light, shines the brightest
So be strongest and bravest.

Always Seek the Truth

Though our culture condones
Approves of deception
Know God, our Creator
Expects truth, no exception.

Wholly Organic?

Let God’s Word, be your food
Like Jeremiah, of old
Bringing joy, and rejoicing
As your heart, overflows.

Want to be Free?

Hallelujah, set free
Midst trials and testing
In victory, now walk
Yes! in Jesus keep resting.

Waiting for Apologies?

“If you won’t forgive
God won’t forgive you”.
Strong words from the Master
Yet certain and true.

 Self or the Savior?

Instead, self becomes center
Instead of Christ
Our thinking, our deciding
Self-fulfilment, our prize.

The Key to Life

We are ever in search
Of the key to life
As our scientists, research
And ideas are rife.